MSE-735 / 1 crédit

Enseignant(s): Boureau Victor Carle Adrien, Cantoni Marco, Oveisi Emadeddin, Reyes Vasquez David Fernando

Langue: Anglais


Every year


This intensive course discusses advanced TEM techniques such as: scanning TEM; analytical TEM using EELS and EDX; aberration corrected imaging; and image simulation. It is intended for researchers who have taken the introductory TEM course MSE-637 or who have a good background in conventional TEM.


This intensive course is intended for researchers who are potential new users of transmission electron microscopes and have followed the introductory doctoral course on TEM or have already a good background in conventional transmission electron microscopy. It will provide them with a basic understanding of the methods, relying on an explanation of the physics at play.


Demonstrations will be given on the microscopes.


Transmission electron microscopy, EDX analysis, EELS


Learning Prerequisites

Recommended courses

Doctoral school "Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction"



Moodle Link

Dans les plans d'études

  • Nombre de places: 30
  • Forme de l'examen: Exposé (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Scanning and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • Cours: 11 Heure(s)
  • Exercices: 3 Heure(s)
  • TP: 8 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence

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