BIO-664(B) / 1 crédit

Enseignant: Glousker Galina

Langue: Anglais

Remark: Next time: Spring 2025


Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research


  • Record keeping and data management
  • Authorship
  • Publishing and the peer review process
  • Research misconduct and case studies
  • Whistle-blowing
  • Competition in science and conflict of interest
  • Intellectual property, patents, and material transfer agreements
  • Collaboration and associated conflicts
  • Mentoring


The course objective is to provide students with the overview of necessary tools for enhancing their ethical decision-making skills in scientific research within the contemporary social context, by increasing the students’ knowledge of relevant ethical issues through exposure to real-life case studies and through interactive discussion and role playing.

Assessment methods





Dans les plans d'études

  • Nombre de places: 25
  • Forme de l'examen: Multiple (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research 2
  • Cours: 14 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel
  • Nombre de places: 25
  • Forme de l'examen: Multiple (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research 2
  • Cours: 14 Heure(s)
  • Type: obligatoire
  • Nombre de places: 25
  • Forme de l'examen: Multiple (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research 2
  • Cours: 14 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence

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