AR-497 / 3 crédits

Enseignant(s): Bastien Masse Maléna, Fivet Corentin Jean Dominique

Langue: Anglais


The class introduces the concept of circular economy and its applications to building design, with a focus on design with reused components, design for disassembly, and life-cycle assessment. The class develops critical thinking skills over and above theoretical and technical inputs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Assess / Evaluate current circular practices and design methods
  • Critique current circular practices and design methods
  • Characterize current circular practices and design methods

Teaching methods

The course alternates flipped classrooms with traditional delivery.

Expected student activities

Students are expected to:

  • attend and enliven all classroom sessions;
  • prepare classroom sessions by reviewing selected texts and case studies;
  • write an essay (one over the semester).

Assessment methods

Grades reflect both the student's activities during the semester and the final examination.


Moodle Link

Dans les plans d'études

  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Automne
  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session d'hiver)
  • Matière examinée: Building design in the circular economy
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 12 semaines
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence

Jeudi, 14h - 16h: Cours SG0213

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